Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Went back to Work.

I went back to work yesterday. It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Although all of us made it okay. James took Kylee to school so I could have a little extra time to say goodbye to Violet in the morning. It was hard but things have to get back to normal. It was a big shock for the return trip when I didn't make it home until 5:15 and I had gotten out of school at 3:30. I guess that is what happens when you have pick up more than one kid at a time.

As for work, it was great to be doing what I love. I was able to create a newsletter and brochure yesterday. I setup some training stuff for next week. Our city wide tech fair is also coming up next week, so lots of good things are going. And spring break is actually only three weeks away.

Today is St. Patrick's Day and both the girls have their green on. I will have to take pictures and put them up here later. Kylee looked so cute with her braids with green bows. Violet has light green on, that seems to be a good color for her. James and I both have on green as well but we don't look as cute as the kids.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Violet tries really hard to reach that cat. Look how serious she is.

Don't they look so much alike.

I guess she was done playing. Yes, she really is sleeping.

This was the other morning before church. Kylee has been shying away from the camera, hope to get more pictures of her soon.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

They are so sweet. I hate that you had to go back to work, I was getting used to being able to come by whenever I wanted! but I know you are doing what needs to be done :-)