Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Spring Break...for Kylee

This week is Kylee's spring break from school and since it isn't mine I try to make to fun for her. So this past weekend went over to Rachel's house for her oldest son's (Nate) birthday party and we all stayed the night. I had it prearranged with Rachel for Kylee to stay a couple of days. Actually until Tuesday, which so happened to be Rachel's birthday. Yesterday I went to pick up Kylee and she had a blast spending time with her friends for a couple of days. Kylee was riding a bike and her scooter all around the court. It is so nice when we go over there because with it being such a small street the kids are able to play, run, or ride bikes in the street.
We of course stayed for dinner and cake then it was time to go home. It was as always fun spending time. Though I didn't want to go home we did finally leave around 8:30. This morning I took Kylee to school/daycare. But this will be her only day at school because mom will be taking her for the rest of the week. As it turns out Kylee should have a fun and eventful week.


Khrista said...

I talked to Rachel on the phone the other day as she was putting the two girls to bed. She says she loves having Kylee over and that she is really well behaved. I think it's so great that her and Anna share such a special friendship! :)

Rachel said...

I had a great time when Kylee was here...even if they did bicker like sisters! ha ha I am glad she is going to have a fun spring break
and thank you again for such a wonderful birthday!

Unknown said...

Sounds like she had a wonderful spring break. Hope you are enjoying the family... wish I could have made it!