How did it all start? Friday morning I got up and went into the doctor for my regular doctors appointment. My blood pressure was high so I was told that instead of waiting until Thursday ( my scheduled c-section) that they were going to go ahead and have a baby today. I was excited, nervous, scare, you name it I was probably at some point felt that emotion. I was told just to go and wait in the waiting area outside of the women's center in the hospital and as soon as their was a room available they would get me in.
I called James and he thought I was joking with him when I told him the doctor said we would probably be having a baby around 2/2:30. Then I called mom and dad since they live just down the street and could get to the hospital pretty quickly. Well after many phone calls and waiting what seemed like forever they finally had a room available. It was 12:50 pm, James, Kylee, Mom, and Dad were all there and we just waited in the room and watched TV. Sometime around 3:30 a new nurse came in and we talked for a bit and I ask her if she knew how much longer it was going to be before we went in and she told she would check. The next thing I know she comes back and says okay we are ready to go now. And from there things moved pretty quickly.
Violet was born at 4:44 pm and all was well. (Interesting fact: Kylee was born at 11:11 am) She weighed 7lbs 10oz and was 18.5 inches long. She is beautiful and doing great. They took me big to recovery and Violet and James went to the nursery to get cleaned up.
Later in the evening Violet was all done in the nursery and was able to come to the room. Kylee finally got to hold her sister and she was very excited. We had a few vistors on day one, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Elaine, and Ms. Rachel. Rachel as always was a wonderful help and stayed the night at our house to watch the other two babies at home (Ice and Duchess). Thank you.
We stayed at the hospital until Sunday and then made our way home. The days that have followed have been different but we are making it through. We are all adjusting to having a new little in the house. Hope you enjoy the pictures and video below.

Heather - I am so very happy for you guys. She is perfect. I can't wait to meet her and for her and Austin to be buddies :)
You can tell Kylee is such a proud big sister too! How cute!
These are awesome! I can't wait to see you guys again! I feel like I am the auntie who is so proud to have a new little niece. I am bragging about her to EVERYONE! She is so perfect. And Kylee is going to be the GREATEST big sis ever! Just you watch she will want to help with everything!
We are all very excited to see Voilet, SO SWEET. And Kylee is a Great Big Sister & a wonderful helper!
I know Mom and Dad are proud of their beautiful girls. Dawn and I hope to soon be over for a visit. We DON'T WORRY ABOUT SPOILING THEM.....THEY GROW UP TO FAST! LOVE YOU ;
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