Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Kylee started kindergarten this morning. She was so excited to go to school. Now her classroom is upstairs with the big kids, she is going to have homework, and lots of different centers. She has a new teacher who seems really nice. There are 17 kids in her class and some of them have been in her class for the past two years. One of the new things this year is that she is going to be learning how to read and do math (more than just write and recognize numbers actually adding and subtraction). It is so hard for me to believe that she has gotten so big. You know you always here your parents talk about how fast we grow up but then when it is your kid it seems so real. I guess your parents really do know everything :) Well here are a few pictures from this morning.


Unknown said...

She is adorable. I can't wait to hear about how much she loved it!

Khrista said...

The first day of school is always so exciting! She looks adorable! Hope it was a great day for her!

Anonymous said...

both girls are so cute.